Sunday, 21 April 2013

Cab Complete

After a bit of a gap in my blog I can now report that the blasting a priming of the cab is complete and I have moved it into another shed while I make a start on doing the same to all the other panels.

I have blasted and painted all of the cab except:

  • The front panel which is quite rusty and damaged. I intend to replace it with the one from the old cab which is much better.
  • Some of the interior such as the rear firewall and parcel shelf which were painted and showed no signs of corrosion. There simply didn't seem to be any point in stripping and re-painting these; they are going to have carpet glued to them anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I am after a cab for a Bedford tk cab if anyone got one or for sale can they ring me or email me on 07792849323 thanks lewis
