Thursday 4 December 2014

The answer is 34!

In case you ever wondered how many air pipes there are in a TK...

...the answer is 34!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Biting the bullet

With the cab off and engine out the chassis looked increasingly shabby compared with my lovely new cab so I decided to bite the bullet and strip it down for blasting and painting; I was hoping not to bother but there you go.

There are a LOT of bits to remove and in particular a lot of pipework. I drew diagrams and got to point where I think I understand how it all works before starting dismantling it all. I am taking loads of photos of where everything goes and then using Windows Paint to label the photos. I started adding some diagrams to another page of this blog under Reference Material.

Here is an example of the photos for a single air pipe. It seems very anal I know but I am also sure that I will never remember how to get it back together any other way.

Then there is a list of pipes in a spreadsheet